Here are all 31 of my Inktober drawings this year - Yay! I'm so glad I actually finished it. It was touch or go there for a while but I decided to complete it so that I could say I've done it at least once. If you're ever planning on giving Inktober a go then I recommend setting parameters like time, size, and theme right up front. Sticking to a whale theme helped me immensely in narrowing down my ideas for each prompt. I dedicated an hour max to each drawing and kept them small - I think the biggest is about 4 inches in height. I'm not sure I'll attack Inktober again but it was a good way for me to take a bit of a studio break whilst still doing something small each day. It also allowed me to practice my basic drawing skills. I never draw directly from my imagination (I usually draw from photos) but this challenge required it from me and I was surprised by the results!
So, that's s wrap on Inktober 2021. Now, it's time to start thinking about the festive season! Eeeek!